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Rewards for good behavior…

As I mentioned on my post yesterday, I’ve (despite a slow start last week) made good progress on the blanket. In fact, yesterday and today I made my targeted 12 rows per day and then some.  I may even get a couple more rows in today.

So I let myself have a little reward. Yesterday I did this:

Yarn Wall 2

To our bedroom wall. I ran out of space on the first wall, so TheEnabler suggested our bedroom could use a bit more color.

I had a challenge with all the white, which is Andorra (a merino/highlandwool/mohair blend) destined to be kilt socks for TheEnabler. First, let me note that it is not that easy to find a plain cream sock yarn. Success was finally at hand at the Black Sheep Yarn store in Timonium MD. He has a bit of a mohair problem, so when I saw this has mohair I knew it was the right yarn. Mohair also adds strength so makes up for the lack of nylon.

The green at the top (despite the photo, I promise it’s a heathery green) is Lopi my sister brought back from Iceland. AwesomeE got some in a mulberry color too.

I am now out of clothes pins and putty, leaving me with three options:

  • buy more wall hanging supplies
  • stop buying yarn
  • use up some of my yarn

I’m pretty sure we have another half dozen or so unadorned walls in the apartment…

I also gave myself permission to work a bit on my Ergane cowl. This cowl has been a study in delayed gratification. First, I had to wait to pick up my yarn in the US, then I had to wait while I finished the rainbow socks, and now I am waiting while I finished the blasted beautiful blanket.

Ergane - stages 1-2

I figured switching to crochet was a way to give my hands a break from knitting. I’ve completed stages 2 of 9 on the CAL. It’s all in German, but the pictures and diagrams are very detailed, so with a little help from (an excellent translator for English/German) I’m getting along pretty well.

I’m coming to the conclusion that if I’m going to work with fingering, I want one on the thinner side. This might be why I like the standard Unplanned Peacock Peacock sock so much, and why I really liked the Hedgehog Fibres sock yarn. I loved the colors of the Undercover Otter I used for the rainbow socks, but I found it plumper than I really enjoyed.

As the Ergane cowl is meant to have a some texture and be more three dimensional, I think a yarn that has memory (like a nice sock yarn) instead of lots of drape (say, silk) is going to work out better. The Peacock Sock has a lovely spring that makes it excellent for bouncy shawls.