A couple years ago I knit “It’s Not About the Hat” to learn a way of managing long floats (in preparation for the blanket I finished this September). At the end of it I knew how to manage the floats and I had a hat. But it wasn’t MY hat.
So it sat in my “gifts” cupboard for a few months until I was planning a work trip. Suddenly, I knew whose hat it really was. It belonged to a coworker who worked out of the office I would be visiting. I was pretty sure she kinda maybe wanted something knit based on repeated jokes that I should knit giveaways for our partner events. And I realized this hat was that knitted thing. So I packed it in my suitcase, and delivered it to her.
Yesterday she messaged me to say that she wore it to a charity walk that was televised, and that she was spotted on tv by the hat. It brightened an otherwise grey Monday.