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Blocking a mobius

Just how involved blocking is varies based on the object, yarn and your goals. For socks, it’s just giving them a wash and laying them out to dry. For sweaters, it often means simply tugging and pinning the shapes into the right sizes. For lace, it can be more complicated as you pin out every little scallop into the right shapes.

For a lacey mobius, it turns out it’s a bit of a pain. Its a continuous loop so I wanted to ensure each bit of lace was pinned out as you never know which bit will be showing.

There, however, is the snag. Look at the image below. See the problem?

Mobius blocking

Some of the lace is hidden in the place where the shape twists, so it can’t be blocked out into little lacey points. I would have to “rotate” my blocking a couple times to get to all of them, disturbing some of the nicely blocked points in the process.

For my sanity, I decided this meant not overly aggressively blocking the points.

Here’s the final cowl:

Completed Mobius

Subtle, but the points are there.

(Sorry about all the dim photos and weird colors. There is no sunlight this time of year. For the few hours it’s fully daylight, it’s been constantly cloudy).