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Sock Trio

So as our new kitty has settled in, my knitting time has increased a bit. She’s comfortable enough that small movements from me while she is sleeping don’t rouse her.

So a quick line up of what I’ve been working on:

Sock trio

I’ve mostly been working on smaller items easy to put back in their back and away if kitten decides its play time. So, lots of socks.

The first sock on the left is the Show-off Stranded Sock pattern in Hedgehog Fibres Raku colorway. An easy knit since I’ve done it a couple times. I use eye of patridge and a standard heel turn instead of the in-pattern option. Of the two pairs I’ve made myself, I found this to fit better.

Next up is the ribbed sock I’m going to use an alterred version of the Francie foot with. I’m at the point where I need to go look at the pattern again.

Lastly, the kilt hose continue. I’m almost done with the front cable, then I’ll have another inch or so of leg before moving on to the heel and foot.