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Stash tossing and trip planning

We had a lovely four day weekend for the Easter Holiday. Ok, so I had a lovely four day weekend, TheEnabler had some work to complete before we leave for Wales on Friday. Because I appreciate his sacrifice in working more this weekend so he won’t have to work during our trip, I did nice things like make rhubarb crisp for dessert last night.

Wait, you say I haven’t mentioned Wales? What are we doing there? We are going to Wonderwool Wales, a fiber festival, on Sunday. And weather permitting (it’s not looking promising), doing hiking Saturday and Monday. So one of my goals this weekend was to pull out some of my stash, have a root through it, and make a shopping list.

Part of how I stay focused on my projects is keeping the ones I want to work on within easy reach, and others packed away. So when I dug out everything, I found myself spinning on about four (or is it five?) six different spindles over the weekend.

AwesomeE also asked what I’m knitting these days and when I realized the answer was “three different pairs of socks” I decided to start in on some other projects as well. Three projects isn’t enough if they’re all (sort of) the same thing. I’d say the kilt hose don’t quite count as socks, except I’m past all the crazy calf cables and on to the, well, quite sock-ish part of the first one.

Easter weekend projects
Clockwise starting at left – angora spun on supported spindle, yarn to wind, swatch for a cardigan

I did a bit more spinning of the angora I’m plying with silk thread. I’d forgotten how incredibly soft the finished yarn is turning out.

Then I started swatching the La Bien Aimee singles in “Shipwreck” I bought last December for a cardigan. I’m still totally in love with the colorway.

And I wound up some yarn (the blue-violet in a linen-alpaca blend I’m really curious to try) for a tank top and more of the yarn for the kilt hose. I’ll take the kilt hose with me to Wales to work on sans-kitten. Kitten was at first freaked out by the ball winder and swift, before settling down to enjoy the show. She was smart enough to realize that trying to play with it would not turn out well for her.

So, having proven that I already have yarn for a bunch of projects, I did finally settle down to that shopping list. At least then I’ll (mostly) buy yarn with a goal in mind, which increases its chances of being used (exception – single skeins of sock yarn. I’ll use those eventually). This shopping list isn’t just to help me. My husband didn’t earn his title of “TheEnabler” for nothing. He’s as dangerous as many a knitter at a fiber festival. If I’m not careful we’ll come home with half a dozen new projects plus some random skeins he thought were too pretty not to buy.

The list has three projects of different sizes (none are socks) plus a fiber allowance with guidance on what I have enough of and should avoid. I’ll let you know how it goes.