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Best Laid Plans…

Get Lots done on Shawl:

Check! I spent most of my plane knitting time working on this lovely item. It now looks like this:

A dark multicolored lace shawl in progress along with the cake of yarn and small black project bag

I am several rows into the first set of charts and second section of the shawl.

Finish Socks

Achieved! I even wore them yesterday, though hidden in knee high boots because its cold.

A pair of red, orange and dark pink ribbed socks

Cast on New Socks

A near miss! After finishing the socks above I stupidly (I’m blaming travel fatigue) managed to dump 4 of 5 DPNs down the side of my airplane seat never to be retrieved. Did I pack extras? No, I did not.

Happily, a colleague took me to a nearby Michaels on Monday night where I picked up a set. So, voila:

Dark purple, grey and blue yarn with the first couple inches of a sock on copper colored DPNs

Socks in progress.

Today I’m off to work in a maximum of handmade clothing: Skirt, top, socks, sweater, hat, scarf.  I will be warm on this cold day. Its 23F / -5 C outside.

Jayebird in pink/orange top, black skirt, grey tights, dark blue sweater, and holidng a fluffy pale rainbow scarf and similarly colored stranded colorwork hat