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February is for Fiber – day 10

So far I’ve been doing pretty well at maintaining my goal to spin every day. I still have a bit more to do today, but my regular attention to spinning has generated two finished cops:

In the upper left is a turtle of dark teal singles from a cross-arm/Turkish style spindle and diagonally across the lower right of the frame is a cop of dark red pomegranate singles on a thin dowel rod. Background is a birch wood table top

I’ve finished spinning up 3/4 of the teal now, so I just have about 1oz left to go before I can ply all of my turtles together. I think I’ll wind them into ply balls first so I don’t have to fuss with slowly disintegrating masses of squiggly singles.

I also have two cops of the John Arbon pomegranate singles, so once I’ve finished one more I can start plying the yarn. Because I have a limited stash of dowel rods, this forces me to do plying periodically and not just run up a giant overwhelming mound of singles I can’t face.

Now I’m off to do today’s spinning so I don’t jinx myself with this post.