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Loving Cats want you to Adopt Them

  • Cats

We have a cat family looking for homes, either furrever, or temporary until we can get them a place in the foster system and / or shelters. They were living on a farm, with somebody who provided food and lots of love. Unfortunately, this person cannot care for them any longer and they need new homes. Despite having their lives upended and a couple of chaotic days looking for a safe harbor, they are a loving and sweet bunch of kitties.

It’s the busy season, so they are on wait lists right now to find a shelter or formal foster situation to care for them while looking for furrever homes. They love people, pets and play and are very well behaved. We don’t know if they lived indoors, outdoors, or both, but they are doing very well in our one room right now.

The Youngsters:

We have three young kitties with ages ranging from 2-4yrs old. They are all sweet, loving, and playful and get along well with each other. We believe they would do well with other cats.

Meet Dijon!

Now with Save Our Strays

A lovely pale ginger boy with big orange eyes, he is a sweetheart. He has shown a sweet temper and patience throughout.

A pale ginger/apricot male cat lounges on a blue towel.
Rescue kitty Dijon is relaxing in his temporary digs.

He likes to play and is still experimenting to find the Best Toy. Toy mice and wrestling are top contenders. He would probably do great in a home with another kitty as a playmate. Right now, head scritches are preferred, but he enjoys being held a bit and will sometimes settle down for some more extensive pets.

As of August 13th, Dijon is now neutered, and has had his rabies vaccine and first FVRCP vaccine. He’s tested negative for both Feline Leukemia and FIV. The vets estimate his age at between 2 and 3 years of ago. Given his previously unneutered status, this means he is just an extra sweet boy. He is now getting settled at Save Our Strays while he waits for a furrever home.

Meet Pickle! adopted

A pretty little calico, she loves to play. Pickle was the most adventurous and quick to reach out for pets and cuddles.

Since then, she’s discovered TOYS and has to divide her time between play time and pets. Life is full of hard choices. She will gently tell you with a little paw pat when it’s her turn for attention.

Of the siblings, Pickle was in the biggest Pickle, suffering badly from fleas. With some medication, she is doing better, with a cleaner coat and less scratching. We are working on spaying, vaccination, and deworming. Otherwise, she’s shown no other issues and has plenty of energy for play. She is looking for a furrever home, and would love to find one which could take another sibling or two.

Pickle had her first FVRCP vaccine as of August 13th, and her rabies vaccine August 19th. She tested negative for both FeLK and FIV. Her was spayed August 27th, when she also got her FVRCP booster, FeLK vaccine, and was microchipped. She learned how to remove her cone the first night, so got upgraded to a kitty onesie.

Pickle went to her new home on September 1st, where she’ll have a new brother kitty to play with.

Meet Chutney! adopted

A sweet calico with the most adorable face, she can’t get enough love and attention. Chutney has shown grit and sweetness.

Chutney took her time to decide how she felt about her new situation, but within the first two days had moved from the most aloof to the most affectionate of the group. She is ready and waiting for pets and scritches as soon as you open the door to their room and will follow you around the room, eager for constant attention. So, expect her to be a little “sour” as she settles in until all the sweetness comes out.

Chutney has been medicated for fleas, though seemed to be suffering less than her siblings. She had her first FVRCP vaccine and her rabies vaccine August 19th. She tested negative for both FeLK and FIV. and is scheduled for a spay on September 5th. Otherwise, she’s shown no other issues. Of the three siblings, we think she is the one who would do best if adopted alone, though she would be happy to be adopted with one of them.

Chutney will spend a few days with a foster family before going to her new home the 2nd week of September.

The Growing Families

Meet Harissa and Sanddorn!

Now with Animal Friends, they will be listed under the names Spooky and Season once ready for adoption.

An elegant diffuse calico, Harissa is raising a 3 week old grey kitten, Sanddorn. Harissa has been working hard to recover.

A calico mother nursing her grey kitten in her box

When she arrived, she was too hungry and stressed to nurse properly, but with some care and rest she’s now able to give Sanddorn everything he needs. Harissa is the most timid of the group, but will let us handle her kitten and allow herself to be handled without aggression. Meringue, a daughter or sister, is helping her out immensely with kitten watching duty when mama needs a break.

She and Sanddorn have had a bath to help with fleas, and she has had Revolution for kittens. She tolerated the bath without any attempts to bite or scratch, though she’s not eager to repeat the experience. Sanddorn proved he has great lungs throughout his ordeal. We are working to get them in for a proper vet visit, but both generally appear in good health. Harissa has a spay scheduled for September 5th, after which she’ll be going to D&H Furrever Homes with Sanddorn until he’s old enough to adopt out.

As Harissa has become more comfortable, her affectionate and playful sides are beginning to show. She likes to “hunt” with Meringue. Cardboard boxes are great for hiding and ambushing.

Meet Meringue!

Now with Animal Friends, they will be listed under the names Lydia, Beetlejuice, and Astrid once ready for adoption.

A rare pale ginger girl, Meringue is shy and is starting her own family, with two kittens born August 7, 2024.

While we initially assumed the shy Meringue was another ginger boy, we soon discovered we were mistaken. She quickly settled in to help our mama Harissa care for little Sanddorn, and it became apparent she’s either a big sister or auntie. And what’s more, Meringue had some little cutie pies on the way.

Her first vet visit was a success, and we learned her heart and lungs sound good and that she was expecting two kittens, who were born just two days later. She has also tested negative for FeLV. She won’t start vaccinations for a few more weeks. Meringue will be going to Animal Friends September 5th, and it’ll be another couple months before they are ready for adoption.

She has had a bath and kitten flea meds from the vet to help her recover from the fleas and is generally in good health. She tolerated the bath without any attempts to bite or scratch, though she’s not eager to repeat the experience.

She’s both loving and playful. As Sanddorn is getting bigger and looking to play, she’s teaching him how to wrestle nicely. She also engages in play with fellow mama Harissa.

While they were clearly dearly loved and well socialized by the previous owner, they were outdoor strays and not receiving regular veterinary care. We are working with our vet and local animal clinics to bring flea treatment, de-worming, shots, etc up to date as quickly as we can so that they are ready to enter a home environment. They have been very well behaved inside, using the litter box and learning to use scratchers. We’ve had some success with starting to clip nails as well.


Call/Text: 1-443-798-8239 (leave a vm if I cannot pick up)

P.S. While I will not be asking for any money for cats adopted directly from us, if adopting (as opposed to fostering) I would ask that you donate to one of the local animal shelters or organizations to support their efforts. There are many out there. So far the ones who have helped me, either through lower cost care or through taking in/fostering some of the cats are:

Updated September 10, 2024 – final update

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