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Fiber crafts

Yarn Chicken and a PLAN

I am a chicken when it comes to yarn chicken. I know some knitters seem to live for the thrill of finding out if they’ll have enough yarn at the very end. I only have so many hours for knitting and while sometimes frogging in unavoidable, I see no reason to… Read More »Yarn Chicken and a PLAN

How can you say no?

This is the spinning I worked on today: Even the least observant can see that this is NOT more plying. If nothing else, the lovely handful of fiber gives it away. But its mohair, and it said it wanted to be spun, and how can you say no to mohair?… Read More »How can you say no?

Bribery Works

This is, of course, why it’s illegal to try to bribe or coerse public officials and the sort in most countries. And while I generally believe myself to be an upstanding citizen who would obviously turn down a bribe in any professional setting…. well, I am totally suseptible in my… Read More »Bribery Works

Did you know?

Did you know that crochet and knitting use different muscles? Of course you did. So did I. But I also kinda forgot how different. All this single crochet in cotton for my potholders has very much reminded me. If it was wool, or maybe crochet lace… maybe I wouldn’t feel so… Read More »Did you know?