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You know you knit too much when…

(or crochet, spin, or otherwise use yarn)

… you convert your cat’s growth into skeins of yarn.

Black and white semi-longhaired cat sleeping with three skeins of yarn (pink, orange and blue) from Undercover Otter

Kitty and I had a trip to the vet today for a booster shot, and the vet said she’d gained 300g* since our last visit four weeks ago.

When it comes to people and animals, I’m more familiar with using pounds and ounces than metric grams and kilograms. So I’m trying to place what that means, and I know it’s more than 1/2 lb and less than 1 lb…

When I realize it’s three 100g skeins of yarn. And I know those are 3.5oz, so 3.5 x 3 = 9 + 1.5 = 10.5 oz!

What does it say about me that my weights of measurement are yarn based now?

*this is still expected weight gain as she is under a year and her breed frequently continues growing, albeit more slowly overtime, until age five.

3 thoughts on “You know you knit too much when…”

  1. She’s so fluffy!! It looks like she’s gained some of that weight just in winter poof (though I’m sure plenty of it is other size). Also, those colors are gorgeous.

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